The post summarizes findings from two studies presented in a panel session during workshops at UC Merced in October 2024, co-sponsored by the California Institute for Water Resources and Secure Water ...
While tending your landscape and garden this spring, keep an eye out for pink hibiscus mealybug (PHM), an invasive insect that has already been found in parts of Southern California. PHM could make ...
CropManage is a free online decision-support tool for water and nutrient management of vegetables, berries, agronomic, and tree crops. Based on research and field studies conducted by the University ...
Gardens can be a lot of work. There is planting, watering, weed and insect control, fertilizing, and more. At the very least you can expect a few minutes to an hour or more a day, depending on garden ...
Attend. an Ag Employer Seminar and/or an Ag Labor Supervisor Training Workshop. We are hosting at the Kearney Ag Center in Parlier, CA on March 11 and 12 respectively as part of our Ag Labor ...
Recently, Mark Bolda and Yu-Chen Wang visited an apple orchard exhibiting trunk canker symptoms. Noticeably, the trunk canker is widespread and mostly present only on the southeast side of the lower ...
The best time to repot container plants is in early spring, just as new growth begins. Instructions on repotting are basically the same for houseplants and for outdoor potted plants. Because the soil ...
Both Yu-Chen and Mark have been approached this past week with people bearing strawberry leaves with an odd-looking white deposition on them. The sample submitted to Yu-Chen is the third photo below.
California law requires beekeepers to register bees. BeeWhere is a real-time mapping system where users can mark hives with a simple pin drop in the field.
The Fresno County 4-H Youth Development Program offers many projects through our 19 different clubs. For more details on each club and a list of projects offered, please select from list below. We ...
One year hands-on program focused on organic vegetable and strawberry farming. Over the 5 modules participants learn about crop planning, business planning, marketing, soil health, and organic ...
This site provides extensive horticultural information for the home gardener on 20 fruit and nut tree crops, plus a number of vine crops such as grapes, berries and kiwifruit. Content was developed by ...