Over the years, Pennsylvania’s been a hub for eye-catching license plates honoring everything from river otters to D.A.R.E to Quaker friendliness.
Pennsylvania agriculture officials call bird flu one of the primary threats facing the commonwealth's farmers.
Doug Austen, a Trout Unlimited member and former executive director of both the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission and ...
Rules adopted in 2023 for the Pennsylvania Human Relations Act say that discrimination based on gender identity is prohibited ...
Want a say in the news? Email Claudia at [email protected] to have your thoughts on the stories covered here or on PennLive heard. You can listen to the latest episode of “Today in Pa” on any of ...
A bill under consideration in the state House would establish a program in the Pennsylvania Health Department to pay off ...
The Pennsylvania Lottery wants to sell more big-prize tickets. Will it generate more revenue — or fuel gambling problems?
Key Republicans are questioning whether an “adequacy” supplement targeted at underfunded schools is inherently unfair.
Key Republicans are questioning whether an “adequacy” supplement targeted at underfunded schools is inherently unfair.
A Pennsylvania university is pitching in to help employees displaced by federal cuts. Kutztown University in Berks County is offering scholarships for ...
Rep. Chris Rabb says current laws could jail patients weeks after taking prescribed medication due to how long cannabis ...
The ACLU's letter to schools said that school curriculums are ultimately a matter of state and local law—not national law.