Read the second part.) Dictator of a nation devoted to splendid sausages, cigars, beer, and babies, Adolf Hitler is a vegetarian, teetotaller, nonsmoker, and celibate. He was a small-boned baby ...
Muriel White smuggled her children out of the Reich so they wouldn’t have to fight in Hitler’s army. She even insulted the ...
Despite being little more than the answer to trivia questions today, Vaughn Meader was a pioneer who paved the way for ...
Adolf Hitler was born of a lusty father past his prime—was, indeed, almost born Adolf Schicklgruber, since the father, a love child, was not legitimatized into Hitler until his fortieth year.
Every family has a rotten relative, a black sheep, the one relation you avoid above all others. Even Adolf Hitler.
Elon Musk has reposted a tweet suggesting that Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, and Mao Zedong were not responsible for murdering ...
Heil Honey, I'm Home was a short-lived 1990s sitcom centred on Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun living next door to a Jewish couple ...
"Yes, the personification of Evil had a relative he couldn’t stand. And that relative was an American," writes J. Mark Powell in Holy Cow! History.
George Ward Price became the leading journalist of the 1930s through a string of exclusive stories about Nazi Germany. He spent an hour alone with Hitler and Göring after the remilitarisation of the ...
Determined individuals have made even Adolf Hitler pause one his evil schemes. What the Anti-Trump Resistance Can Learn From ...