Krishna: Indeed, Parth! Sometimes, these legislative amendments benefit the taxpayers, and at other times, they do not. However, when interpreting tax laws, courts must not merely rely on the wording ...
Musk speaks about his federal cost-cutting initiative, as Argentina's president hands him a "chainsaw of bureaucracy".
Growth in India's private sector accelerated at its fastest pace in six months in February due to a surge in services activity that enabled businesses to pass on rising input costs to customers, ...
Next week: India GDP (Fri.), Canada GDP (Fri.) Credit Market Insights: Household Debt Balances Continue to Climb Total ...
Additionally, under the terms of agreement, ITI Limited has already received the first tranche of ₹100 Crore from C-DoT on February 19, 2025.
Zinc Mini 271.1 0.99% 28-Feb-2025 ...
The prices of flagship-class smartphones have skyrocketed over the past few years, and it isn’t shocking at all to see people spend more than Rs. 70,000 for the latest iPhone, Samsung Galaxy, and ...