A Cardiff landlord who attempted to evict her tenant using WhatsApp has been prosecuted for unlawful eviction.
The level of rental revenues lost by landlords due to void periods has increased by 19% across England over the past year, ...
Uncertainty over policy direction has led Scotland’s private rental sector (PRS) to undergo “a reset,” research suggests.
More than half of homes in England currently fall below the C Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) rating that landlords will ...
The Work and Pensions Secretary is examining a controversial system that automatically approves landlord requests to deduct ...
Landlords in Scotland are facing extra taxes when purchasing additional properties for their buy-to-let portfolio.
Landlords may finally have some good news in the buy-to-let market. Data from Moneyfacts shows buy-to-let product ...
Average rental yields achieved by landlords increased to their highest level since March 2011 during the fourth quarter of last year, new data shows.
Selective landlord licensing has been extended to almost 1,900 more properties in Manchester. Since 2017, more than 3,500 homes across the city have been fully license to improve standards.
A tax rise coming in just five weeks’ time could mean the death knell for buy to let. A new analysis shows that 83% of all ...
Mandatory private landlord registration was implemented in Scotland April 2006 and fees remained static for no less than 13 ...
Campaigners says landlords using Airbnb and other short let platforms are “hollowing out our city” using one in every 32 ...