L.A. rents have risen 0.7% for the first two months of the year, more than double the 0.3% increase for local units a year ...
Post-Covid concerns about small landlords are continuing to drive the conversation around renter aid policies.
Evacuation warnings have been issued for parts of Los Angeles County, near burn scar areas due to high mudslide and debris ...
The Getty Villa's construction, technology, and staff training helped it survive the Palisades fire. Here's what it takes to ...
Despite the damage done during the Los Angeles fires back in January, Theatre Palisades Youth is determined to perform their ...
Despite widespread stress, smoke inhalation and other disruptions caused by the January wildfires, a majority of Los Angeles ...
The day after her house burned down, Lara Ganz sent a group message to the youth theater troupe she runs: They would not let ...
Del Fire initially started 4:20 p.m. March 10 in Los Angeles County. It has been burning on private land for 46 hours.
Kristin Crowley sent a letter to the Los Angeles City Council on Thursday, informing them she is proceeding with an appeal of ...
Infection control became a challenge among the children sheltering during the Los Angeles County fires this past January.
KCAL News will be hosting "Coffee with KCAL" in Pasadena, welcoming people who ave been affected by the recent wildfires to come and share their stories.