Dow said on Thursday it will lay off 1,500 employees as part of its $1 billion cost savings plan due to lackluster demand and margin pressures, causing its shares to drop 6.3% in morning trade.
IBM is getting a big AI boost, as investors welcome the company's latest quarterly results. In recent trading, shares stood more than 13% higher at nearly $260. That put the stock on course for the ...
(Reuters) - Dow missed fourth-quarter profit estimates on Thursday, and said it will lay off 1,500 employees as a part of its $1 billion cost savings plan, as the chemical firm grapples with ...
The Dow made another push into positive territory around noon ET on Monday. The blue-chip index was up 56 points, or up 0.1%, after trading lower for much of the morning. The S&P 500 was still down 1.