In 1794, Eli Whitney was granted a patent for the cotton gin. In 1812, the U.S. government authorized the issue of America's ...
If America views China as a threat, it cannot afford to alienate Asian partners. America will “not abandon” the Indo-Pacific, ...
The historian Stephen Kotkin analyzes what a President who governs in the style of professional wrestling gets wrong—and ...
Even modest exposure to East Asian history should teach American students to respect -- and never to underestimate -- the ...
On March 3, only three days after the mugging of Ukrainian President Volodymir Zelensky by Donald Trump and J.D. Vance, two ...
Ensuring real guarantees of Ukraine's security is the only way to reach a just, long-term and sustainable peace.
Putin is not the aggrieved defender of historic Russian interests. He is a malign aggressor in pursuit of a deeply personal ...
"China is very careful. They're very cautious," Oleksandr Merezhko, head of Ukraine's Foreign Affairs Committee, told ...
President Trump’s efforts to secure a peaceful resolution to the war in Ukraine are admirable. Equally important, however, is ...
President Zelensky ought to thank his lucky stars he might at least get most of what he started with — and an implicit ...
Elon Musk just called for the United States to withdraw from NATO, leaving Europe to Putin’s tender mercies. Meanwhile, ...
The danger of a loss or weakening of American military resolve might appear even greater on Asia’s eastern periphery than in ...