A representative of President Donald Trump’s administration has rejected the U.N.’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development ...
In 2015, then-President Barack Obama committed the United States to achieving newly adopted U.N. global goals by 2030 ...
For some experts, the program could be a disaster, exacerbating housing inequality and driving up inflation. For others, it ...
Some commentators, claiming to know Trump’s methods, maintained that he had deliberately used shock tactics to goad the Arab ...
The American move made it clearer than ever: that President Donald Trump is pursuing a radical new alignment with Russia and, ...
Donald Trump has been condemned after the US voted against a United Nations resolution condemning Russia’s “aggression” ...
The United States has withdrawn from the United Nations LGBTI Core Group, a collection of countries actively supporting the ...
As President Donald Trump's administration makes across-the-board budget cuts across multiple federal agencies, some formerly ...
Iran's Supreme leader has criticised "bullying" countries in an apparent response to Donald Trump's comments that he had sent ...
Just days earlier, North Korean leader Kim Jong Un vowed to expand his country's nuclear arsenal, currently comprised of ...
El presidente Donald Trump dijo que planea revocar una licencia petrolera para operar en Venezuela, debido al fracaso del ...