While Ohio Democrats and Republicans praised parts of Gov. Mike DeWine’s state of the state speech, the two parties have differing views of the governor’s child tax credit proposal.
CLEVELAND, Ohio - In his penultimate state of the state address, Gov. Mike DeWine pushed for more focus on social studies in ...
However, DeWine spent most of his 71-minute speech on things his administration has already done and proposals that he has already laid out.
We’ve created all these incredible economic opportunities. Now our mission as a state is to act with great urgency and ...
Gov. Mike DeWine delivered his annual State of the State address Wednesday, laying out his administration's accomplishments ...
Our leaders and their designated experts pitted citizen against citizen with unsupported claims of a pandemic of the unmasked ...
Gov. Mike DeWine is handing Lt. Gov. Jim Tressel, a former Youngstown State University and The Ohio State University football coach, a new playbook. During Wednesday’s State of the State address, ...
Six men have died by court-ordered execution so far this year in the U.S., and 12 other people are scheduled to be put to ...
It’s a controversial issue involving the sale of recreational marijuana that has over $10.8 million of Ohio tax revenue in legal limbo.
The Mahoning Valley’s state legislative delegation liked Gov. Mike DeWine’s focus on Ohio’s economy, workforce and children ...
Ohio Governor Mike DeWine laid out his vision to give Ohioans “the tools to live up to their full potential” and “the ...
The Mahoning Valley’s state legislative delegation liked Gov. Mike DeWine’s focus on Ohio’s economy, workforce and children in his State of the State address, but expressed disappointment that he didn ...